Where can I add important documents?

Where can I add important documents?

To add important documents, please follow the steps below:

  1. From the dashboard you can access your company master data. Search for this option and click on it.medical-18-organisationsmanagement
  2. Scroll all the way down to find the "Add Documents" button. Click on it to continue the process.
  3. Another window opens in which you can upload the desired documents.medical-19-dokumente-hinzufuegen
  4. Add the desired documents by selecting them from your computer or by dragging and dropping them into the window.
  5. Fill in the necessary fields required for each document. This can be information such as the file name, a description or relevant tags.
  6. Finally, click on the "Add" button to complete the process.medical-20-dokumente-hinzufuegen-modal